Monday, March 21, 2011


I've had some tough times lately. I've been super stressed, emotional, anxiety ridden basket case. I've been upset and unable to recoup from one down fall before another one hits and although it has not stopped, I've chose to look at all the misfortune differently than allow it all to eat me up alive. While at church the Lord brought the Japanese tsunami to mind. They lost EVERYTHING they own... literally everything. There land is beginning to become polluted with toxins and with all this they still have (or seem to) a descent outlook with their futures. Here I am: I have roof over my head, food, heater/AC, clothes and .... I was looking at how terrible things are for me. Now, (even though it's tough to keep all those things due to a very dramatic squeeze in finances) Praise God for the insight... I've decided I will look at the things I do have and be thankful because in one swift moment it can all be sweep away. I've adjusted my mind from ungrateful, immature brat to a overwhelming thankful heart! Kind of like a program my daughter watches: These two girls are the best of friends and share everything. When they decide to share they announce, "Switch!" ........... So I say to myself "SWITCH!"

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