Friday, March 4, 2011

Babeling Fit

My first blog EVAH! and I choose to use it this way? I question my sanity. haha! I know no one ever promised an easy life, but I'm so frustrated. I see people who seem to just slide right through life without hassle, with such ease. While it seems in my life I am ALWAYS fighting. Fighting for something better than just being. Fighting to make some sort of difference somewhere, somehow, but with no direction....maybe that's my fight.. fighting for direction? I'm begging to get tired of the fight. I wonder if the fight is a good thing or not? I am typically an easy going, always look at the brighter side of things, ... you know, "The glass half full" kind of person and I'm seeing myself change. I know I fight depression to some degree, nearly every day, but this time around I seem to be losing my grip on fighting off the depression. I feel like I am in quick sand. Every time I fight I sink lower. So, in the near future I will talk to a mental health professional. Get some help. But as for today, I will pour out my issues of today here. Oh, lucky blog... to hear all my minds issues that are so incongruous to the way I live my life.

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