Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Time to make a change

As my health slowly declines due to stress and lack of exercise, I think: This is one of very few things I have control over and what am I doing with it???? I am being very passive about my health, and well, it's time to make a change. Going to make a plan and stick to it.

Monday, March 21, 2011


I've had some tough times lately. I've been super stressed, emotional, anxiety ridden basket case. I've been upset and unable to recoup from one down fall before another one hits and although it has not stopped, I've chose to look at all the misfortune differently than allow it all to eat me up alive. While at church the Lord brought the Japanese tsunami to mind. They lost EVERYTHING they own... literally everything. There land is beginning to become polluted with toxins and with all this they still have (or seem to) a descent outlook with their futures. Here I am: I have roof over my head, food, heater/AC, clothes and .... I was looking at how terrible things are for me. Now, (even though it's tough to keep all those things due to a very dramatic squeeze in finances) Praise God for the insight... I've decided I will look at the things I do have and be thankful because in one swift moment it can all be sweep away. I've adjusted my mind from ungrateful, immature brat to a overwhelming thankful heart! Kind of like a program my daughter watches: These two girls are the best of friends and share everything. When they decide to share they announce, "Switch!" ........... So I say to myself "SWITCH!"

Friday, March 18, 2011


What do you do when you feel so attacked? When all you do is not enough? When you can't seem to get ahead? What do you do?

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Didn't get the job!!! Boo Hoo! It's NEVER been so difficult for me to get a job. Oh well, nothing Reese's peanut butter cups can't fix!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Random Thought

Do to the fact I have no job and no car, I have not much to do with my time. BUT, be here with my thoughts and that could be a very scary thing for anyone! ha! Since, my thoughts are going crazy with everything I do, I begin thinking as I apply a coat of war paint (AKA make-up) I begin to think #1 What's the point when I'm going NO where and NO one will be here anytime soon. I suppose the only reason would be IF I ever get that random knock on the door from a friend saying, "Lets go." Which by the way is an uncommon situation for me. But hey, since I have nothing buy time to kill, may as well do something about the hideousness of that spotted (freckled) skin that covers my face. Which leads to my second thought: The post-war paint is slightly easier on the eye than the pre-war paint. So, I think how cruel I've been to my family and friends walking around with out the wonderful camouflaged coat on my face. Maybe it would be considered cruelty or some sort of visual torture?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Had a dentist appointment today. My tooth he fixed looks so pretty! :) hehe! I think I actually like the dentist.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Could It Be

Had an interview today. Felt real good. Could it be,  I  found a job? Maybe to soon to tell. Find out by end of the week. Yah me!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Makes Me Think

Law of Diminishing Returns:
A law affirming that continuing after a certain level of performance has been reached will result in a decline in effectiveness. ~

Read a blog where the writer referred to this law in reference to her efforts in a friendship with nothing in return. Hmmm, make me think. The write goes on to say she made strides to not hurt the person and in return was hurting herself all along.

Note to self: Let's not be either one of these people

Babeling Fit

My first blog EVAH! and I choose to use it this way? I question my sanity. haha! I know no one ever promised an easy life, but I'm so frustrated. I see people who seem to just slide right through life without hassle, with such ease. While it seems in my life I am ALWAYS fighting. Fighting for something better than just being. Fighting to make some sort of difference somewhere, somehow, but with no direction....maybe that's my fight.. fighting for direction? I'm begging to get tired of the fight. I wonder if the fight is a good thing or not? I am typically an easy going, always look at the brighter side of things, ... you know, "The glass half full" kind of person and I'm seeing myself change. I know I fight depression to some degree, nearly every day, but this time around I seem to be losing my grip on fighting off the depression. I feel like I am in quick sand. Every time I fight I sink lower. So, in the near future I will talk to a mental health professional. Get some help. But as for today, I will pour out my issues of today here. Oh, lucky blog... to hear all my minds issues that are so incongruous to the way I live my life.